阅读理解,susie may isaacs,my great grandmother全文翻译

2020-04-30 教育 105阅读
Susie May Isaacs,my great grandmother, was a beautiful woman, both in person and in spirit. She lived through two World Wars and the Great Depression. She was born in a boat in Western Oklahoma to a Cheyenne Indian father and white mother. During the eleven years I knew her. I received the gifts of witnessing determination, courage, love and perseverance. Ma lost her leg when she was 83 due to poor circulation and was told she would be in a wheelchair the rest of her life. The doctors were astonished when she left the hospital using a cane and had named her new wooden leg “Peggy”.
In 1982 Ma had a heart attack and was diagnosed with heart failure. During the weeks she was in ICU(监护病房), the hospital did not allow children to visit. Ma became very upset and refused to eat until she was allowed to see her sixteen great­grandchildren.
We all had received bibles from her as babies which were filled with clippings(剪报) of jokes and stories. When we saw Ma, she gave us all $5. With the help of our parents we bought 16 new bibles for her to sign and fill with her clippings. None expected her to be able to sign them all before she passed away. But we all underestimated her courage and strength when she was released from her “death bed” to go home and began her task of love. During her last month she signed all the bibles and gave them to us filled with clippings and hand written poems.
Many years before Ma's death she had told her friends she would die on a Sunday so she could meet her Lord when he wasn't so busy. She had a massive heart attack on Thursday afternoon. She endured eight heart attacks between then and Sunday morning at six when she went on to meet her Lord.