
2020-05-01 教育 215阅读
When Chichester set out on the greatest voyage of his life, he was nearly sixty-five years old. What’s more, he had lung cancer. When he finished the first half of his voyage and arrived in Australia, he could not even walk on shore without help. His friends attempted to dissuade him from continuing the adventure, but he didn’t listen. Instead he set sail again to conquer the treacherous Cape Horn. Clipper ship had sailed round Cape Horn in the nineteenth century, but they had plenty of able-bodied men aboard. In contrast, Chichester was all alone and had to cope with every danger all single-handed. At times the sea became so rough that it took all his strength to stop his boat from turning over. Imagine the fear he experienced when the main steering device on Gypsy Moth was damaged by gales. A man without his courage and determination would certainly have been drowned by the sea.