
2022-08-01 教育 110阅读
International Journal of Geographical Information Science(国际地理信息科学)英国
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(国际摄影测量与遥感协会,国际摄影测量遥感杂志)
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems(计算机、环境与城市系统)(英国)
Cartography and Geographic Information System (制图学和地理信息系统)
The Cartographic Journal(制图学杂志), UK
Cartographica(加拿大地图学国际期刊), Canada
Cartography,Australia(澳大利亚地图学国际期刊)《Journal of Spatial Science》
Computers & Geosciences(计算机与地学)
Spatial Cognition and Computation(空间认知和计算)
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing(IEEE地球科学与遥感汇刊)
Remote Sensing of Environment (环境遥感)
International Journal of Remote Sensing (国际遥感杂志)
COSIT(Conference on Spatial Information Theory)(空间信息理论会议)
1、Chinese Science Bulletin
2、Computers Environment and Urban Systems
3、Environment and Planning B
4、Giscience & Remote Sensing
5、International Journal of Digital Earth
6、International Journal of Remote Sensing
7、Journal of Geographical Systems
8、Journal of Applied Renmote Sensing
9、Journal of Applied Imaging Science and Technology
10、Journal of Mountain Science
11、Journal of Spatial Science
12、Journal of Surveying Engineering
13、Marine Geodesy
14、Photogrammetric Record
15、Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation