
2021-11-17 教育 157阅读
求职信的结尾一定要再次呼应你求职的目标,希望并请求得到面试的机会。如果企业没有明确的规定,可以在信中表明可以面谈的时间。成功的求职信绝不是虎头蛇尾的,结尾一定要引起重视。一定要在求职信结尾对阅信人表示感谢。 参考例句: Thank you for reading my CV and hopefully, I can have a chance to com-municate with you. If convenient, I would like to contact you one week later to further discuss any possible interview arrangement. 感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的简历,很希望能够获得与您面谈的机会。如果方便的话,我将在一周之后与您联系,确认面试的具体事宜 I will be very grateful if I can have a chance to do an interview with your company. I believe my capabilities can fully meet your position requirements. 诚挚地希望你能给予我面试的机会,相信我的能力一定能够满足这个职位的要求 I look forward to your reply. If I can have an interview opportunity, I'd be happy to visit you as required. It would be very helpful if we can further discuss the position I applied for. 等待您的回信,如能获得面试机会,我将在您要求的时间拜访您,与您探讨我对本职位的一些想法与规划