i can't bear you的同意句

2022-08-14 教育 140阅读
I can't bear you. 意思是:我受不了你了。

同义句:I can't tolerate you.
I can't stand you.
I shall not bear you.

1. 我不能忍受它们,到目前为止首要的问题就是它们不能待在我的耳朵里。
I can't stand them. First — and by far — foremost, they don't stay in my ears.

2. 其次,有些应用程序完全不能忍受动态编译带来的延迟。
Second, some applications simply cannot tolerate the delays associated withdynamic compilation.

3. 我不能忍受对任何人的不好。 I shall not bear ill toward anyone.