
2020-05-03 娱乐 147阅读
对于一个馒头引发的血案的评论 : 曾在上篇影评里表达了对《无极》和陈导非常温和的不满,并以为能拍出《霸王别姬》的导演,其能力不容置疑,还把《霸王别姬》这面免罪金牌高举在委婉的批评之前。可陈导这次起诉《馒头》,却使我感到凯歌导演真在智力上衰退了、水平上堕落了。 陈凯歌看过《馒头血案》,便将其作者告上公堂。有两种可能:第一,陈凯歌导演依然是为了炒作《无极》。这种炒作无疑太愚蠢了。不仅时间滞后,而且丧失炒作的精髓。别人的炒作都是以低攀高,那些青年女演员,尽是往大导演身上靠,借此出位。从来没见过一个国际级大导演主动和一个无名后辈过不去。从官司里收益最大的只可能是胡戈。须知:要了解一个人的品性,请看他的朋友;要了解一个人的档次,请看他的对手。陈导这一出手,无论是发行公司出面告,还是制作者个人出面告,在大家心中都是陈凯歌和胡戈PK公堂,陈导与胡戈站在最公平的起跑线上,成为旗鼓相当的对手。十多年间,陈凯歌费尽心力塑成的高高居于象牙塔上俯视苍生的形象,难到真如圆环套园环娱乐城总经理王某那样,“啾”的一声跌落,和胡戈一起在尘埃中并肩而立,只待法官发令枪一响,便奋力前行,全力争取超过对方半个肩膀,抢先撞线,赢得法官的判决? 《馒头血案》初红网络时,曾有记者问及陈红对《馒头》的感受,她表现得很平静,表示不会采取法律手段。在这点上,陈红头脑清醒,凯歌尚不及乃妻,陈男不如陈女。如果这场官司成为现实,将来在中国电影史上只要有《无极》的位置,就必然提及《一个馒头引发的血案》和这场官司。如此看来,《无极》最大的成果竟然是捧红了《馒头》的作者胡戈! 回顾过去,展望将来。从《无极》到《馒头》,再到一个馒头引发的官司,所有的行进是那么荒诞有趣,但又那么合乎逻辑,环环相扣,稳步前行,井井有条,从一个噱头走向另一个噱头,难道这是一场行为艺术?这一切都是有组织、有预谋的?当我们看到陈凯歌与胡戈在法庭上唱起RAP…… 陈导:你侵权了,你侵权了。 胡戈:我没侵权,我没侵权。 陈导:侵权了,侵权了。 胡戈:没侵权,没侵权。 千万不要吃惊,也许这时陈导才向观众们揭开谜底:“《馒头》和打官司都是大片《无极》有机的一部分。戏中戏,戏外戏。电影小社会,社会大电影。《无极》的目的本来便是把电影、网络、司法、知识产权和全国观众的心情有机的、辩证的融合到一起。直到此时,尔等小民才明白我的良苦用心,和无极的含义吧!来,与我同唱这首当当当的无极之歌!” 只要这幕出现,我等必然拜服。只有这幕出现,才能挽回陈导在我等心中的形象。否则,愚蠢的炒作依旧是愚蠢的炒作。 For a plain disaster triggered by the comments : Critics were expressed in the last chapter of the "enormity" very mild dissatisfaction and I. Chen, "Farewell My Concubine" and thought that the director could shoot, no doubt their ability. "Farewell My Concubine" It can also hold high the gold medal in the euphemism of impunity before they criticize. Chen indictment to be guided "buns" just made me feel really triumphant director in the intelligence recession, the level of degeneration. Chen Kaige read "plain murder" and will eventually put its author. There are two possibilities : First, directed by Chen Kaige is still speculation "limitless". Such speculation will undoubtedly be too foolish. Not only the time lag, and the loss of every aspect of the essence. Others are at a low price-rising, young actress who, it is possible to rely on directors was so extraordinary. Have never seen a world-class initiative and an unnamed directors Posterity Internationale. Lane proceeds from the lawsuit may just be the biggest Hugo. Notes : to understand a person's personality, look at his friends; To understand a person's grades, look at his opponent. Chen guided the hand, the issue is whether the company will come out, or come out on the individual producer. Chen Kaige, and we are in the hearts of PK court Hugo, and Hugo I. Chen fair stand on the starting line. be matched opponents. 10 years, Dr. Chen Kaige, a tremendous amount of effort on the high living in an ivory tower overlooking the busy image Central Park Circle sets really difficult to Wang, the General Manager of Entertainment City, "Hidden," his fall. Hugo together side by side in the dust and old, just starting gun to be a ring for the judges, they struggle forward. vie for the other half over the shoulders, the first to the finish line and won the judge's ruling? "Buns homicide" early red network, the press asked Chen Hong and the feelings of the "box" that she behaved in a very calm. indicated that it will not take legal measures. In this connection, Hong cool, and is not a triumphant wife, Chen Chen men than women. If this lawsuit has become a reality, in the future as long as the history of Chinese film "Endless" position. bound to mention the "one box caused the bloodshed," and this lawsuit. This shows that the "enormity" is the biggest surprise results produced by the author of "buns" Hugo! Recalling the past and looking toward the future. From the "box" to the "enormity", a steamed bun and then triggered the lawsuit, the road is so absurd all interesting. But then the logical, linked together, steadily forward, hence, a gimmick to another gimmick. Is this an artistic act? All this is organized, premeditated? When we sang Chen Kaige and Hugo in court RAP : I. Chen…… you infringement, and infringement of you. Hugo : I have not tort, I have no infringement. ABM : Chen infringement, a tort. Hugo : no infringement, not infringement. Not surprising, then perhaps Chen guide to the audience before they opened the answers : "" buns "and the lawsuits are large organic part of the" limitless ". movie drama, the program plays. Film small community, Social great movies. The original aim was to "limitless" films, network, justice, intellectual property rights and national audiences feel organic, dialectical integration together. Until that moment, I understand that the diligence and hard work and forms Wise, and the enormity of the implications!, When I sing this with the enormity of the songs stand out! "As long as the screen there, so I will worship service. Only in this scene there, so I can restore the image I. Chen. Otherwise, it is still a foolish speculation foolish speculation.