transform into、transfer to、switch to和submit to的区别在哪?

2022-08-17 教育 324阅读
give in 有投降了意思。 比submit to 更厉害些。屈服; 投降; 让步 The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in. 抵抗者寡不敌众, 只能投降。 As neither management nor labour would give in, the union organized a strike. 由于劳资双方互不让步, 工会组织了一次罢工。交; 上交; 递交; 呈送 All papers should be given in before 12 o'clock. 12点以前必须交论文。 submit to 是顺从,屈服。向…呈交〔递送〕… The developers submitted building plans to the council for approval. 开发商把施工方案提交议会以求批准。顺从〔屈从, 服从〕… The minority should submit to the majority. 少数应服从多数。 Never submit to a threat. 永远不要屈服于威胁。使(自己)听命于〔听从〕… The people had to submit to the new rulers when they lost the war. 战败的人们不得不服从新的统治者。 The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school. 学生在学校必须遵守纪律。