
2020-09-14 体育 318阅读
不仅仅是一块块闪闪发光的奖牌,更是那些输掉的人平静的微笑和友好的态度,更是赢者和输者紧紧拥抱在一起的场面。所有输的人都知道赢者应该得到奖牌,所有赢的人都知道输者也是真正的英雄,这才是人类面对成功和失败时应该拥有的真正精神。如果把这一精神真正用到人类进步的追求之中,世界上将会少去很多是非,多出无数灿烂。 奥林匹克精神所体现的第三点就是挑战极限,永不放弃。如果说奥运会只是比赛名次,决不会如此激动人心。奥运会激动人心的地方在于运动员不断打破纪录,挑战极限。人类最伟大的发展动力就是向极限的挑战,每一次对于似乎不可能的事情的挑战都构成了人类文明进步的强大动力。
Why the Olympic Games so popular all over the world?
The Olympic spirit reflects the fair, first and foremost a fair rules clear and fully transparent. If not everyone can accept no exceptions to the rules of fairness, any one of the Olympic Games medal would become meaningless, any a victory will suspect by the people, and even cause serious consequences. The fair goes beyond any ethnic and religious barriers, beyond any personal authority and power of the country. Both officials and athletes, must be in accordance with the rules in the competition, any violation of the rules will be punished, athletes are not but MEDALS, at the same time deprived the honor and dignity. The Olympic Games, by monitoring the doping athletes, such as women's heptathlon silver medalist Ukrainian bloomberg card, and the Spanish woman cyclist Murray, shooting and bronze medalist north Korean men Jin Zhengzhu etc., not only lost the MEDALS, and became the object of people despise. Is the highest human dream of peace and happiness of the world, if people in all fields beyond the ethnic and religious prejudice, clear rules and attitude to treat in the same way as a Olympic between different, perhaps the world peace will come from now on. You fall in love with the Olympic Games, its fairness and treat all people equally is likely to be one of the important reasons.
Is not only a glittering MEDALS, but also of those who lost calm smile and a friendly attitude, winners and losers hugged each other. All the people who lost all know should get a medal winners, all people know that the losers of winning is also a real hero, this is the human face success and failure, you should have the real spirit. If this spirit really takes the pursuit of human progress, the world will be less to a lot of right and wrong, countless more brilliant. The Olympic spirit embodies the third point is to challenge the limit, never give up. If the Olympic Games just league, never so exciting. Olympic Games exciting is that athletes have broken records constantly, challenge the limit. The development of human's greatest power is the challenge to the limit, every time for seems impossible challenge constitute a strong driving force for the progress of human civilization.