
2023-05-14 综合 24阅读
Opportunity and Chance
• Opportunity smacks of possibilities that are real while chance is pure gambling
Opportunity 是真慎此袜实机遇的可能性大一些,chance经常又碰运气的意思。

• Opportunity is an opening that one gets because of circumstances or through his credentials while chance is by luck.

碰运气 "宽激Taking a chance" is doing something that has a significant risk of failure; you are betting on something that could very well go against you.

抓住机遇 "Taking an opportunity" is seizing a moment where you can do something to improve your standing in some way (get a raise, get introduced to a person you like, or even something as simple as resting up in preparation for an event later ("I took the opportunity to grab a short nap", for example.)