求he's unbelievable歌词的中文翻译

2020-04-20 时尚 198阅读
So tonight I'm gonna get him/今晚我会去见他
Got a rendezvous at seven/七点有个约会
Faire l´amour toujours, so funny/彻底爱上他 真有趣
Wanna spend all of this money/想把钱都花光
Should I wear a dress and high heels/要穿裙子高跟鞋呢
Should I go out in my blue jeans/还是蓝色牛仔裤
He's the boy I met in my dreams/他是我的梦中的男孩
And I tell you girls:/女孩儿们听着
He's unbelievable/他太不可思议了
[verse 1]
Sisters, only sometimes/姐妹们 有时
You can meet the kind of boy/你会碰到
Who will always give you joy/总能令你开心的男孩儿
Then grab him, never let him/抓牢他 别让他溜了
Take him deep into your world/把他深藏于你的世界
Be aware of other girls/当心其他的女孩儿
- He's so unbelievable -/他真不可思议
Finally it is me, see me happy/最终我成功了 看我多么得意
Today I have found him/今天我发现他了
He's the boy of my dreams/我梦中的男孩儿
And he's unbelievable/他真不可思议
...Wanna spend all of his money.../同上
[verse 2]
Brothers, only mothers/兄弟们 只有妈妈
Have the right to decide/有权决定
What is wrong or what is right/什么是对什么是错
But you maybe find a baby/但你会找到你的宝贝儿
Who is not the kind of girl/不是那种
To fit in your mother's world/合你老妈口味的女孩儿
- He's so unbelievable -/同上
Ain't a doubt shout it out that you love her/别犹豫喊出你爱她
Only such a tough guy/只有这样的硬汉
Could become my only one/才是我的唯一
'Cause he's unbelievable/因为他不可思议
Sharp dressed you may face your rendezvous/你会穿的优雅靓丽赴约会
Depressed if he's not good looking too/就算他不帅也要好好打扮
Maybe he's a lazy kind of lad/可能他只是个懒小伙
Don't forget he could turn into a prince in bed/别忘了他会在床上化身王子
Be sure that he's standing by your side/确定他会站在你这边儿
Cowards are a waste of time/找个懦夫相当于浪费时间
Get it on if he's always on your mind/脑子时时刻刻想着就想着吧
But avoid being love - blind/千万别盲目地爱
Look out for his sensitivity/留意他的敏感
Check out if he knows just what it means/要确定他明白
To give everything that a lady needs/满足女士所要的一切是什么意思
To prove that his love is pretty real/证明他的爱是千真万确
Some guys only show their sex appeal/有些男人只展现性感外形
And who knows why the lord had made 'em/谁知到上帝为何创造他们
If you think he's the right guy fall in love/如果他是恋爱的真命天子
If he's not keep your hands off/假如他不会推开你的手
[last chorus]
So tonight I'm gonna get him
Got a rendezvous at seven
Faire l´amour toujours, so funny
Wanna spend all of his money
Should I wear a dress and high heels
Should I go out in my blue jeans
He's the boy I met in my dreams
And I tell you girls:
He's unbelievable
Supernatural things will happen/超自然状况会发生
I can call you at eleven/我11点给你电话
I will tell you every detail/一切细节全都告诉你
If he's worth it or if he failed/他到底值不值得
But I know he drives me crazy/但我知道他令我疯狂
And I want to have his baby/我想帮他生个宝宝
So you must excuse me, ladies/所以女士们真不好意思
Did I tell you that:/我告诉过你们吗
He's unbelievable/他真是不可思议
....................速度译 非机翻 生硬之处就靠乃自行体会咯