译林课文the lion and the mouse的翻译

2020-05-22 教育 150阅读
JL 2014-01-22
When a lion was asleep, a little mouse b egan running up and down beside him. 当 一只狮子睡着了, 一只小老鼠开始在 他身边跑来跑去。 This soon wakened the lion. He was ver y angry, and caught the mouse in his pa ws . 这狮子很快 被吵醒了。 他很生气, 然后 他用爪子抓住了老鼠。 “Forgive me, please,” cried the little mou se. “I may be able to help you some day. ” 请原谅我 小老鼠哭着说 也许某一天我能 帮到你 The lion was amused at these words. 狮子对于这句话感到很好笑 He thought, “How could this little mouse help me?” However, he lifted up his paw s and let him go. 他想 一只小老鼠怎么会帮助到我呢? 然 而, 他举起他的爪子,让他走。 A few days later, the lion was caught in a trap. The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king, 几天后, 狮子被困在一个陷阱。 猎人想 带着活着的它去面见国王 so they tied him to a tree, and went awa y to look for a wagon. 所以他们把他绑在一棵树上, 再去找一辆 车 Just then the little mouse passed by, an d saw the sad lion. 就在这时小老鼠经过,看到悲伤的狮 子。 The little mouse went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. “Though I ’m small, 小老鼠走上前,很快就咬断了绳子。“虽 然我小 I can help you, too,” said the little mouse .