
2020-10-28 教育 107阅读
Volleyball, one of the ball games, the stadium rectangle, the middle of a high network, the game on both sides (each side) of the players on the side of the stadium, the player with the ball from the Internet space to play. Volleyball use of the ball, with a leather or artificial leather shell, rubber do guts, size and football is similar.
乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目,也是中华人民共和国国球。乒乓球运动是一项以技巧性为主,身体体能素质为辅的技能型项目,起源于英国。"乒乓球"一名起源于1900年,因其打击时发出"ping pang"的声音而得名,在中国大陆、香港及澳门等地区以"乒乓球"作为它的官方名称。
Table tennis is a popular sport in the world, and it is also the goal of the people's Republic of China. Table tennis is a skill based, physical fitness, supplemented by the skills of the project, originated in the United kingdom. Table tennis originated in 1900, when it issued a "Pang Ping" in the fight, named after the Chinese mainland, Hongkong and Macao and other regions with "ping pong" as its official name.