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2020-09-13 教育 158阅读
Objective: to observe the system through the middle reaches the kang Ike treatment of primary liver cancer CD4 +, CD8 + activity, the influence of traditional Chinese medicine to further discuss mechanism of primary liver cancer, combine traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of primary liver cancer mid provide certain theoretical basis and reliable research material.
Methods: according to the standard will be 60 cases into the middle of primary liver cancer patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 30 cases of 30 patients. Both groups to support and protect liver conventional treatment, the treatment group based on the use of kang particles, excel treatment for 2 months. Both groups were observed before and after the treatment of TCM symptoms improved conditions CD4 +, CD8 + and CD4 + / CD8 + ratio, liver, the change of fetal protein, and compared with control group, the analysis of the differences.
1 the treatment group (Ike reaches the kang group) in improving the particle concentration and CD4 + CD4 + / CD8 + ratio than in control group, compared with significant difference (P < 0.05),
2 in treatment group and reduces armour liver improving effect of fetal protein, etc.
1 through clinical observation of the system, the treatment group in improving CD4 + T lymphocyte concentration and CD4 + / CD8 + ratio than control group, the effects of kang granules can enhance akpan mid-term primary liver cancer patients immunity.
2 in the middle of a particle akpan reaches the kang primary liver cancer treatment can improve the patient's symptoms, improve liver and improving the quality of life, have definite effect.
Keywords: metaphase of primary liver cancer
Traditional Chinese medicine
Improve immunity