商务信函翻译 要专业点 有急用

2020-05-22 教育 100阅读
Dear Mr.

Thank you for your promptness in sending us the credit information we requested. We are glad to report that all of your credit references spoke favorably of you as a businessman.

The new store which you are opening in Broadway should eventually prosper, since yours is a thriving community. But its location within 20 miles of New York city forces you to compete with the larger stocks and lower prices of the metropolitan department stores, so readily accessible to commute from that you can meet such competition by starting with a large indebtedness, we must refuse your credit application.
We would suggest, therefore, that you cut your order to half and pay cash for it. This will entitle you to our 2 per cent cash discount, a saving which you may pass on to your customers. By ordering frequently in small quantities, you can best meet the competition of the New York stores through keeping up-to-date merchandise on your shelves. Thus, through cash buying you will establish your business on a sound basis that will entitle you to an excellent credit reputation.

The enclosed duplicate of your order will assist you in making your selection. Just check the items you wish and sign the order. Your merchandise will arrive C.O.D within two days after our receipt of the order -- in plenty of time for your opening sale.
Sincerely yours,