
2022-08-16 教育 662阅读
the Four Qualities That A Success Must Have
It goes without saying that everybody wishes to be successful.But as a matter of fact,not all the people can achieve success.For to be successful,one must have many good qualities,four of which are honesty,modesty,hard work and having the spirit of never giving up.
First of all,hard work is the most important factor that determines success.As is known to us all,no pain,no gain.Success always consists of sweater.Second,the spirit of never giving up is of great importance.Success takes time.If we give up,after trying for a short time,we'll lost the chance of success.Just remember,success is just on the next step.Third,honesty and modesty that are similar,is also essential.In many situations,our work needs help from many people,like our friends and colleages,and being hoenst and modest is a good quality,which can let us gain much respect and help.