
2023-06-06 98阅读


1. 张择端是北宋末年的一位画家、书法家和篆刻家,他是官僚出身,曾任职于大宗正寺。

2. Zhang Ze Duān Peints Riverview is his most famous work, which is a scrolling painting that depicts the daily life of people in the capital city during the Qingming Festival, with vivid and realistic details.

3. 清明上河图是中国最著名的绘画之一,它被誉为人类文明的瑰宝,并在2006年被列为UNESCO世界记忆遗产。

4. Zhang's painting style was heavily influenced by the Tang and Song dynasties, with emphasis on fine lines, intricate details, and use of colors that would express the mood and emotions of the depicted characters.

5. 张择端在中国艺术史上具有重要地位,他创作了许多优秀的作品,包括书法作品和绘画作品。他既具有官方艺术的特色,又有民间艺术的影响,是中国古代文化的重要代表之一。
