
2020-04-24 教育 69阅读
  初中英语阶段需要重点掌握的句型有很多,以下是自己罗列的一些比较高频的重点句型,广大初中学生可以将其作为背诵复习英语之用。1。 It takes/took sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多少时间2。 sb spend some time/money (in) doing sth某人花费……时间/金钱做某事3。
   there be sb doing sth 某人正在做某事4。 It is + adj + for/of sb to do sth做某事对某人来说是……的5。 It is + adj + to do sth做某事是……的6。 sb find it + adj + to do sth某人发现做某事是……的7。
   have fun doing sth = have a good time doing sth = enjoy oneself做某事很开心8。 It's time for sth = It's time to do sth 到(做)某事的时候了9。
   感叹句句型:What a/an + adj + 单数可数名词 +(主+谓)What + adj + 复数可数名词 +(主+谓)What + adj + 不可数名词 +(主+谓)How + adj/adv + 主 + 谓10。
   提建议的句型:Why not do sth = Why don't you do sth ?Would you please do sth ?Shall we do sth ?Would you mind doing sth ?had better do sthlet's do sthHow/What about doing sth ?Would you like to do sth ?。