
2020-06-21 教育 209阅读
Sample Letter for Requesting Funding

TO: Manager


RE: Requestfor AIAA Conference Funding

DATE: Date [shouldbe beginning of fiscal year]
As a Young Professional (YP) member of the AmericanInstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)—the world’s largestassociation for the aerospace industry—I have been working during non-officehours on a Technical Paper entitled “Applications for Thermal TreatmentTechnologies.” I would like to requestfunding to attend the following upcoming AIAA Conference so that I may presentmy paper to an industry audience:

[Alternateintroductory paragraph if you do not have a paper to present]
As a Young Professional (YP) member of the AmericanInstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)—the world’s largestassociation for the aerospace industry—I am eligible for a reduced fee whenattending AIAA Technical Conferences. Iwould like to request funding to attend the following upcoming AIAA Conference,which will give me an opportunity to gain knowledge on the projects to which Iam currently assigned here at [insert name of your company]:
Conference Title: 22ndInternational Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies

Conference Date: May12-16, 2011

Conference Location: Renaissance Orlando Resort, Orlando, FL

Registration Fee: $560.00 (non-AIAA member fee is$650.00)

Attending this conference will not only provide me with anopportunity to learn more about the latest technologies and developments inincineration and thermal treatment, it will increase visibility for (yourcompany’s name). Many industry leadersfrom across the U.S. and abroad regularly attend AIAA conferences, and thisparticular conference appears to be very popular. In fact, according to the AIAA Web site, thefollowing individuals and organizations are already signed up to attend the 22ndInternational Conference on Incineration and Thermal TreatmentTechnologies:

· Leonard Clevenger, The Dow Chemical Company
· Dave Dalton, ATG, Inc.
· Arthur Denny, Texas Commission on EnvironmentalQuality
· James Donnelly, Kvaerner
· Craig Doolittle, ENSR International
· Tony Eicher, Focus Environmental, Inc.
· Peter Falcone, T-Thermal Company

My attendance at this conference will also give [yourcompany] direct access to exhibits and presentations from many otherorganizations within the aerospace industry, allowing us to gain valuableinformation about what other firms are doing and where they are focusing theirefforts. This is especially importantgiven [your company’s] current focus on incineration and thermal treatment andour desire to partner with other organizations to develop new applications inthis area.

Thank you for considering this request. Please let me know if you need any additionalinformation that may influence your decision to approve funding.