
2020-04-23 教育 242阅读
Qian (1911.12.11 ~ this) well-known Chinese physicist, the world's leading rocket scientist. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and was born in Shanghai, Han nationality, in August 1959 to join the Communist Party of China, PhD, as the "father of Chinese missile", "father of China's rockets," "King of the missile."
Jiaotong University in 1934 graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department (now Xi'an Jiaotong University, Institute of Mechanical Engineering as part of the predecessor), in the United States in 1934 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and California Polytechnic University. The United States in 1935 to study aeronautical engineering and aerodynamics, in 1938 by the California Institute of Technology Ph.D., after the stay in the United States any lecturer, associate professor, professor and laboratory director of supersonic and Guggenheim, director of Jet Propulsion Research Center and engaged in rocket研究.
Started in 1950 for return to the motherland, when a U.S. Navy Kimble, a senior general said: "Qian wherever, all five divisions worth of troops, I would prefer him dead in the United States can not afford to let he left. "Qian, therefore persecuted by the United States Government, loss of freedom, after 5 years in 1955 before returning to the motherland.
In October 1955 after returning home to break through all kinds of resistance, in 1959, joined the Chinese Communist Party. Served as director of the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Seventh Machine-Building Industry Vice Minister, Defense and vice chairman. China Science and Technology Association of the current honorary chairman.
Qian of China's rocket and missile technology to an extremely important development in the implementation of the program. April 1958, he served as spacecraft, missiles and rocket technology to develop leading positions of China's rocket missile and space industry has made a major contribution to development. Qian was a Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences, math, physics,honorary chairman of the Chinese Society of Astronautics, China Science and Technology Association. In October 1991, the State Council and Central Military Commission granted Qian "outstanding contribution to national scientists," the honorary title and the first models medal heroes.