环保资料和手抄报图片有哪些 要英语的 谢谢

2020-09-15 教育 61阅读
(1) to conserve electricity, conserve resources, reduce pollution.
Each and every power that we will come into contact with students every day, but also we can not be separated from daily life, but now an alarming consumption. Therefore, every move when power must proceed from the savings.
In our country, mainly by coal-fired power generation, and coal on Earth is limited. According to the present consumption rate, the world's coal consumption will be 250 years. There, we will be no coal for our children.
The conservation of electricity, is the saving of coal, but also more directly contribute to reducing air pollution. Because of acid rain is formed from coal combustion, corrosion of building it strong and make the soil and water acidification, resulting in a drop in grain production of fish and shrimp killed vegetation. It has been calculated that only the south-west China, south China's economic losses due to acid rain, over 140 each year hundreds of millions of dollars.
Conservation of electricity, will be able to slow down global warming. Due to the large number of coal combustion emissions of carbon dioxide, the same shade as a barrier to the sky the ground outside the distributed heat to produce the greenhouse effect, if the Earth's temperature will cause droughts or floods, but also so that the tip of the melting. If the tip of the earth all the melt, the lower elevation of the countries and islands will disappear.
We live in today, is certain to move into the next century, many of them are global warming and increasingly vulnerable. Germany 192 of the 135,000 school children vowed to live in their own communities of the harmful greenhouse gas reduction of 10%. Energy-saving lamps they replaced, refused to use air-conditioning, to give up a car, choosing a bike. After seven months of hard work, they have reached the target.
Blink of an eye, we have entered a beautiful in June, which is planting trees and greening the golden opportunity for the country, in order to create good, green homes, protect the ecological environment, I suggest that students:
Love nature, love for flowers and trees to protect the value of animals.
Maintaining green color to carry out tree planting activities.
Actively promote environmental awareness, environmental awareness has brought to millions of households
Respondents: zyl777 -魔法学徒level 4-5 21:26
Now, through a variety of media, everyone is more and more aware of environment and development problems. Many people have heard about the disappearance of tropical rain forests, acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming, reduced biodiversity, poverty, refugees, food crisis and other issues. But for many people, these things have taken place in the distant places, does not occur in the local environment.
However, careful observation shows that many of these problems occurred at the local, even in the campus. School students and teachers are consumers of resources. At the same time, as community members and current or future citizens, teachers and students is also in charge of community development, and has the responsibility to the community to contribute to sustainable development. If the path of sustainable development as a one runway, then in this runway there is no audience outside, all people are athletes. Environment and development issue is not only a matter for the Government, it is everyone's personal matter.
Environmental knowledge is the twenty-first century, one of the essential qualities. In order to enable teachers and students in-depth awareness and understanding of the importance of environmental issues to improve the teacher-student environmental knowledge, awareness, skills, attitudes, values and behavior, such as environmental quality. According to the State Environmental Protection Agency, the State Education Commission, the Central Propaganda Department issued the "Platform for Action on Environmental Education" and the higher level instructions and requirements of the relevant departments, combined with school, in recent years, launched a comprehensive development zone in secondary schools to create a green school activities. Environmental education into the school to a major event firmly grasp and true understanding of the environmental education into the minds of teachers and students.
Schools in the creation of green activities, the school has always attached importance to environmental education of students work in schools, families, advocating green civilization, and the implementation of environmental action. At the same time, popular in the well to pay more attention to content, to insist on moral education, science and technology activities, group activities, social practice and other fields of environmental awareness of students and environmental ethics. After several years of exploration and practice, and achieved good results, accumulated some experience should be promoted.
(A) attach importance to environmental protection work of school leadership, and establish and improve environmental education organizations, the integration of environmental education as an important deliberations.
Environmental education in schools to set up a committee in charge of environmental education work of school principals in charge of the work plan of the development and organization; the General Director in charge of the campus environmental protection and afforestation and beautification work; Church Office is responsible for special education; Academic Director is responsible for classroom teaching penetration ; Youth League publicity secretary in charge of environmental protection; environmental counselor in charge of the practice of environmental education activities and data files. Environmental Education Committee each year based on the actual situation, to develop detailed environmental education programs and activities of the theme of environmental education organizations to carry out the activities of teachers and students. Over the past few years, schools have a solid work of environmental protection, effective, and by the relevant departments at all levels of provinces, municipalities, and alike.
(B), give full play to the role of the main channel of the classroom, to use all available conditions to enable students to effectively master the various materials relating to the contents of environmental protection, environmental awareness among students.
Create green schools in the process, the school classroom and give full play to the role of the main channel, infiltration of environmental knowledge to students. In geography, biology, chemistry, physics, language, politics, health education classes in various disciplines such as teaching, the knowledge and awareness of environmental protection on organic combination put teaching at the school, put teaching at the natural, imperceptible influence on students to improve their own quality . At the same time, the school has also set up a group of extra-curricular environmental activities carried out rich and varied extra-curricular activities, students from a wider awareness of environmental protection to penetration, in class activities and give full play to the role of environmental education. In addition, the schools teaching environmental education in-depth research, active in school organizations, teachers in environmental education, teaching activities, school leaders, teachers of writing over the past few years a total of more than 30 environmentally-friendly paper, environmental protection awareness of people.
(C), pay attention to "green" publicity
At present, the most urgent task of environmental education is a sense of educating their students to "learn to behave", so that they will be "green-minded." As soon as possible to enable students to have "green" awareness, schools of public opinion to create a good atmosphere for students to participate in a planned and consciously practice environment, as soon as possible to promote their environmental awareness and moral level.
First of all, the schools capital investment to increase environmental protection, libraries, reading rooms every year a large number of environmental advocacy content subscription books, newspapers, periodicals, audio-visual centers in schools have a special video of the environmental protection information, the computer in each class are equipped with environmental protection information software, organized on a regular basis after school hours students so that students understand the state of the environment, learning environmental knowledge in order to use their actions to protect the environment. In addition, the school also has a showcase of environmental protection, the students regularly to promote environmental knowledge, environmental education with school work; school blackboard as the Communist Youth League to the forward position to promote environmental awareness, often organized among all levels of environmental protection knowledge The poster theme appraisal, through the evaluation to allow the "green" into the class; "校园之声" radio station set up a "global village, you and me" column, when activity on the environment: such as Tree Planting Day, World Water Day, Earth Day, Environment Day, such as the advent of environmental awareness on the positive, and called for the festival theme of class to write a serious environmental radio version; and, the school also set up a campus green placards, such as energy conservation, reduce pollution , green consumption, environmental protection to improve the environment, save our planet and so on. Through these activities, so students from the "I" start from little things, the environment in mind everything everywhere.
(D) will actively carry out the theme of Mission,主题班会, symposia and seminars on environmental protection, mobility, consolidation of student awareness of environmental protection and environmental habits.
Contact the current environmental problems, the school every year to carry out environmental protection organizations of the seminar. Through lectures, students learned that the survival of their own environment, to a new awareness of environmental protection, and enhance the sense of crisis and sense of urgency and responsibility. Many students wrote the experiences received the desired results.
In May this year, the school knowledge in environmental protection after the end of the lecture, then also the whole Church and State Department launched the "do 'green messenger' commitment to" activities, namely: do not throw waste, purification of the campus environment; by audio noise, clean up the living environment ; not攀枝discount flowers, love flowers and trees; care for the protection of wild animals, do not catch food; to eliminate waste, conserve energy; waste ecological balance; seized dirty green-maintaining, but also a green community; the spread of green ideas, the pursuit of green fashion; spread green, create green schools. Solemn of all the students in the initiative to sign the book on its own name. The event started at the school students in creating another high tide of green schools.
(E) to "environmental volunteer group" based on environmental education programs in accordance with the theme and activities and actively participate in social practice, to enable students to become "Green Love", "green-maintaining" model.
Since the school to set up a "voluntary environmental group," since the Communist Youth League Committee in charge of the school, and actively carry out various activities of social practice. In this year's "Earth Day", the school organized a "meet the Earth Day, commemorating the May 4 Movement" operation of young volunteers to zone parks and clear blue sea and white residential garbage, to care green square, passersby distributed leaflets to promote environmental protection awareness, calling on people "to advocate green consumption, the protection of an ideal home"; last year's "Arbor Day", the school launched the "tree seedlings planted, a dedication of love" green activities, school organizations, teachers and students actively planting trees and grass; in 20th "Tree" is approaching, the school held a "concerned about the birds, love nature, building a green home" as the theme of "Tree" technology cartoon contest, in which the winning entries in the school's environmental awareness column on the exhibition; in paragraph 30 the "World Environment Day", the school launched a "green手抄报" rating and "I love my home" environmental essay contest, and the organization of specialized judges rating the entries were, were selected first, second and third prize a total of 52 people; School Youth League in the annual "World Water Day" to be voluntary organizations, environmental protection team onto the community, to investigate the situation on the water, this activity effective in improving students development and protection of water resources. Detachment of the first two days of environmental protection has also established the system of waste separation, detachment sent to the other three initiatives, calling on everyone to do a good job of refuse collection and recycling of used batteries, etc., they have used their spare time took to the streets in the composition of inspection teams and Environmental Hygiene, maintaining the loyal guardians of the living environment. These activities rich in content and diversity, to enable students to achieve a very good knowledge of learning, capacity-building, exercise the will and the purpose of enhancing environmental awareness.
(F), from the little things around, so the green defender.
Emphasis on education and students from schools around the little things, and consciously protect the environment. Teachers and students do not use correction fluid as far as possible; not to buy the use of disposable items, such as one-off lunch boxes, disposable chopsticks, paper boxes and paper napkin; the purchase of recyclable beverage choices as far as possible, re-use of canned material; to bring their own shopping bags to shopping, in order to avoid the use of non-recycled plastic bags indecomposable; the purchase of "green" non-phosphorus detergent; to save water, electricity, water faucet after the tightening, the classroom lights are turned off in time when no one; love green facilities, do not trample on green, not littering, not spitting. With their own practical actions to protect the environment.
(Vii)心手相连to create a green home
Green played for the all-round song, the school conducted a comprehensive environmental education to students at the same time, also launched the "心手相连, create green families" of activities, publicity and education to environmental protection to the family. . School solemnly issued to each student initiatives: in the family to do the best advocates for environmental protection, "small speakers", and actively advocate for parents to establish "green" concept to bring parents into force for environmental protection, to create a good green home environment.
(Viii) to strengthen the green, landscaping, clean up work, to create a clean, elegant, harmonious campus environment.
For students to create an elegant and harmonious, warm and quiet learning environment, give full play to the school brick by brick plants in our education system and schools in the greening, landscaping done a lot of work, and strive to make the school throughout the year to wear green and flowering seasons, according to the pattern of school construction, school also built a school corridor.藤萝promenade around the plant, summer and autumn,藤萝wide promenade, green one. Received a level of real, three-dimensional greening and beautifying effect. Now, when you zone into the secondary school, you will see a colorful, green grass and clean and beautiful campus, with modern teaching facilities complement each other, people relaxed and happy.
Now the campus, "green" is booming growth of "green" is shine, this "green" has permanent campus, the heart of permanent teachers and students.