
2020-04-21 国际 115阅读
Germany are the vast majority of germans. Residents believe in Christianityaccounted for about half, while 46% of people believe in the Catholic church.
Germans German discipline, pay attention to credibility, the extreme self-esteem, others warm, very emotional importance. Love music.
Call attention to the Germans, is a distinctive feature in the interpersonal contacts. Improper term for Germans, usually greatly displeased the other side.
Under normal circumstances, do not address him by the German name. Its full name, or only its name, can also. And the Germans speak, do not neglect the "you" and "you" the two person pronoun usage. For acquaintances, friends,peers, can "you" proportionality. In Germany, known as the "you" that respect,saying "you", said equality, close.
The Germans pay more attention to the hair. In Germany, men should not shave their heads to avoid being treated as "Neo Nazi" molecular. German girl's hair style for short hair or long hair perm hair, most of them are marriedwomen.
The Germans pay attention to dress, go out when must be neatly dressed,clean; meet said hello to the title, does not address him by name; date time,strong sense of time; others warm, hospitable, attitude, honest and reliable;the banquet, the man sat in women and people of higher status on the left side, the lady leaving and returning to the table, the man must stand up to show politeness; please the Germans dine, prior arrangements must be made for. To talk to them about the best wilderness scenery, personal amateur love a lot for sports activities. Answer the phone would be the first to tell each other their names.
The Germans most like to eat pork, followed in order to turn the beef. A variety of sausage made of pork, so that the Germans eat a hundred tire.Abstain from eating walnuts.
If you also drink beer and wine, to drink and drink beer, wine, or else be regarded as harmful to health.
Whispering in public places, is considered very rude.
In Germany, Rosa Memorial dedicated to, can not give people. Taboo in brown, red, dark blue.
Clothing and other goods packaging Jiyong Nazi symbols.