
2020-09-20 教育 133阅读
题目(Title): English is useful
A year ago, while I was working at a zoo's shopping department, I encountered an embarrassing event: about 10 tourists from other countries came to buy things, but my English was very bad, all I could say was how much the items cost. After they said 'pardon me' many times, they finally understood that each item cost 50 dollars (yuan). They bought five dolls (公仔?), then a guy about my age said something to me, but I didn't understand, so I just smiled stupidly. He said something again but I still didn't understand, so I smiled stupidly again. He looked at me weirdly and went away with his friends. My face instantly became red, somebody later told me that he asked me which road they should take. From then on, I studied English hard, and a week after I met an couple from another country, their cellphone ran out of batteries so they can't contact their friend, and they don't know which bus to take to get home. Even though the woman can speak a little bit of Chinese, I really couldn't understand, so they showed me an address that their friend wrote in Chinese. I happened to know where that place was, so I used English and explained clearly to them which bus they should take and how to get to the hotel. They thanked me, and I was really happy. I thought to myself: English is really useful, I really like English! I'll keep working hard to learn it, and I'll get even better!
这可不是电脑翻译的哦! 我自己翻译的, 应该可以吧!