
2020-07-18 教育 180阅读
Luoyang two day tour plan
No. 29 7:10 Luoyang - Jiaozuo (car), is expected to 10:00 to Luoyang bus station
1.从洛阳火车站坐81/k81(55路)经过13站,到达赵村站,步行20米,到达洛阳龙门国际青年旅舍,住宿 2.步行30米,到达赵村站,坐57路,经过5站,到达开元大道市府西街口站,步行520米,到达真不同饭店新区 3.步行790米,到达宜人路永泰街口站,乘坐60路,经过16站,到达龙门石窟站 4.在龙门石窟站,乘坐81/k81(60路),经过8站,到达龙门大道关林路口(关林庙西)站,步行970米,到达关林景区 5.步行1000米,到达洛阳八中站,乘坐37路,经过5站,到达市政府东西街站,看洛阳音乐喷泉 6.步行210米,到达开元大道市府东街口站,乘坐57路,经过6站,到达赵村站,洛阳龙门国际青年旅舍 30号 1.从旅舍向正南方向出发,沿龙门大道走90米,右转,走50米,右
1 from the Luoyang Railway Station take 81/k81 (55) after 13 arrived at the station, Zhao village station, walk 20 meters, arrived at the Luoyang Longmen international youth hostel accommodation, walk 30 meters to reach 2, Zhao village station, take 57 Road, after the 5 station, arrived at the Kaiyuan Avenue City of XiJieKou Railway Station, walk 520 meters, to really do not with the hotel District 3 walk 790 meters, arrive at the pleasant Lu Yongtai corner station, take the 60 Road, through 16 stations, 4 stations arrive at Longmen Grottoes at the Longmen Grottoes station, take the 81/k81 (60), after the 8 station, arrived at Longmen Avenue intersection (Guan Lin Guan Lin Miao XI) station, walk 970 meters, reaching 5 foot 1000 Guan Lin scenic area eight meters, arrive at Luoyang station, take the 37 Road, after the 5 station, arrived at the municipal government of Luoyang East Street station, music fountain 6 walk 210 meters, arrive at the Kaiyuan Avenue City Dongjiekou station, take the 57 Road, after the 6 station, arrived at the station Luo Zhao Cun. Yang Longmen International Youth Hostel No. 30 from the 1 to the south of the hostel, along Longmen Avenue and walk 90 meters, turn right, walk 50 meters, right
转进入龙门大道,走280米,左转,走1.5公里,右转进入聂泰路,走580米,左转,走170米,到达洛阳博物馆 2.步行至龙门大道乐天路口站(约1.4公里)乘坐58路,在白马寺站下车(26站)步行至白马寺 3.从白马寺步行90米至白马寺站,乘坐91路(或58路,87路),经过12站在东花坛站下车,乘坐9路经过15站,王城公园站4.从王城公园步行30米,到达
Turned into Dragon Gate Avenue, 280 meters away, turn left, walk 1.5 km, turn right into the Nie Tai Road, walk 580 meters, turn left, walk 170 meters, arrived in Luoyang Museum 2. Walking to the Longmen Avenue Lotte junction station (about 1.4 km) take 58, in the White Horse Temple Station and get off (26 station) walk to the White Horse Temple. From the White Horse Temple walk 90 meters to the White Horse Temple Station, take the road 91 (or 58 Road, 87 Road). After 12 stations in East parterre station and get off, take the road 9 through 15 stations, Wangcheng Park Station. From the king's Park, walk 30 meters, arrived at the