
2022-08-17 教育 132阅读
Who will go for a walk? 谁会去散步。
Both of us. 我们俩都去。

Who are you going to visit? 你打算拜访谁?
My grandparents. 我祖父母。

Who will teach you English this term. 这个学期谁教你们英语?
Miss Mary. 玛丽小姐。

How will you get there? 你会怎么样去哪儿?
By bike. 骑车去。

How will the sports meet be held? 运动会将怎么样举办?
It will be held in grade. 分年级举办。

How will the weather next week? 下周天气怎么样。
It will be fine all the week. 一周都将是晴天。