take one's place是什么意思

2022-08-19 教育 152阅读
take one's place 代替某人的位置
=take the place of sb
=be in one's place
=be in the place of sb
1)change/swap `places (with sb) (a) 与某人交换位置﹑ 座位等
*Let's change places you'll be able to see better from here. 咱们换一下位置吧--你从这儿看清楚些.
*I'm perfectly happy I wouldn't change places with anyone. 我十分愉快--这种幸福我跟谁都不换.
2) give place to sb/sth 为某人[某事物]所取代; 让位给某人[某事物]
* Houses and factories gave place to open fields as the train gathered speed. 火车越开越快, 把房子和工厂抛在後面进入了一片开阔的田野.
3)in place of sb/sth; in sb's/sth's place 代替某人[某事物]
* The chairman was ill so his deputy spoke in his place. 主席有病, 所以由副主席代为致词.
4)lay/set a `place在餐桌上摆上一份一人用的餐具
* Set a place for him when you lay the table he may come after all. 铺桌子时给他摆上一份餐具--毕竟他有可能来.
5)take sb's/sth's place; take the place of sb/sth replace sb/sth 代替某人[某事物]
*She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. 她不能出席会议, 所以由助手替她.
6) there's ,no place like `home (saying 谚) 哪里也不如自己的家.