
2020-10-17 教育 180阅读
How many meters do I need for an overcoat?做件大衣需要多少米?
After breakfast, I will go for a strollround the town.吃完早饭我要在城里到处遛遛。
He planned to write some stories forchildren.他计划为儿童写些故事。
This is for reducing your temperature.这药是退烧的。
They were working hard for the common goodand not for their own interests.他们这样苦干不是为私。
Someone is asking for you on the phone.有人找你接电话。
So the designer again turned to workers foradvice.因此设计人员再次向工人们请教。
We'd better write to them for moreinformation about it.我们最好给他们写信请他提供更多有关这方面的情况。
They began to press him for details.他们开始向他追问详细情况。
We have to send in the plan for approval.这计划我们得送上去批。
Thank you for your warm hospitality (gift).谢谢你们的热情款待(礼物)。
Forgive me for being late (nottelephoning).请原谅我来晚了(没有打电话)。
I’m much obliged to you for being tellingme.你给我谈了这个情况我很感谢你。
I’m so sorry for what has happened.发生了这件事我非常抱歉。
They all jumped for joy at the news.听到这消息他们都高兴的跳了起来。
The accident happened because I couldn’tsee for the frog.出了这次车货是由于有雾使我看不清楚。
We were filled with admiration for hiscourage.我们对他的勇敢充满敬佩之情。
He expressed sympathy for the commonpeople.他们平民百姓表现了同情。
Take it. It’s good for you.吃掉吧,对你有好处的。
These exercises are good for training ourminds.这种练习对训练我们的脑子有好处。
There is a telegram for you.这儿有你的一份电报。
Handing me the letter, he said, “It’s foryou.”他递给我一封信,说道:“这是给你的。”
Have you room for us there? 你那儿有我们坐的地方吗?
That can be a basis for a decision.这可以作为决议的基础。
It is a general hospital for that district.它是那个区的综合医院。
Is it all right if I use it for a minute?我用一会儿行吗?
He was, for a short time, a taxi driver.有一段时间他是一名出租车司机。
For miles and miles you see nothing buttrees.多少英里你看到的只是树林。
I followed him for some distance.我跟了他一段路。
They left for home on Friday.他们星期五离开伦敦回国了。
The ship was for New York.这艘船开放纽约。
Here is the train for Guangzhou.这是开往广州的火车。
We’re off for Paris tomorrow.明天我们去巴黎。
Are you for the motion, or against it?这项动议你赞成还是反对?
How many of you are for the idea?你们有多少人赞成这个意见?
The decision was for a strike.决议造成罢工。
We are all for cutting down the cost ofproduction.我们都赞成降低生产成本。
I’ll keep it for a souvenir.我要把它留作纪念。
Most of the houses are now used foroffices.这些房子现在多数都用作办公室了。
What shall we have for lunch?我们中饭吃什么?
It is only meant for a joke.这只是当笑话说罢了。
He sold the camera for ten pounds.这个照相机他卖了十英磅。
They worked on the plantations for 15dollars per week.他们在种植园干活,每星期才挣十五美元。
Is it right to return good for evil?以德抱怨对吗?
How much did you pay for it?你买这花了多少钱?
The best thing is for you to do ityourself.最好是你自己去办这件事。
I’ve got some picture books for you to lookat.我有一些连环画给你看。
He stood aside for me to pass.他站到旁边让我过去。
For the time being暂时
For the present现在,这会儿
For days (years) 多少天(年)
For good长期地
For ever永远地
For the sake of为了
For one’s good 为(某人)好
For sale出售
For example例如
Stand for代表,主张
Long for渴望
Wait for等待
Go in for从事(某种)活动
Account for解释(原因)
For instance例如
Hope for希望得到
Care for照顾,关心
Look for寻找
Watch out for警惕
Prepare for准备