花花公子 英语怎么表达

2020-10-28 娱乐 335阅读
最常见的表达是 playboy
beau; coxcomb; dandy; green about town; lounge lizard; nut; popinjay; toff
1. His immaculate appearance gave him the nickname of "The Dude" among some.
2. I am sick of London, and of balls, and of young dandies with their chintips, and of the insolent great ladies.
3. Tom has Been given the laBel of "playBoy" By his friends.
4. With an uncanny knack for generating mystique, he created icons from Playboy cufflinks, to the bunny costumes worn by hostesses in the Playboy Clubs to his black jet, the Big Bunny, his pipe and redsatin smoking jackets.
5. The fact is (today) that women around the world have embraced the Playboy bunny as a symbol of empowerment and sexual freedom.
6. I did not conceive Playboy as a sex magazine.