article 、section和 clause的区别

2022-07-25 教育 165阅读
1、article 常指法律体系中大纲类法律文件中关于具体内容的描述条款:
Article 180 states that one third of the members must be women.
2、section 常指法律体系中执行类法律文件中关于具体事项的描述条款:
The court ruled under section 82 of the Land Registration Act.
3、clause 常指遗嘱、合同或条约等法律文件中陈述具体义务、条件等的某条某款:
A clause in the contract states that the fee will be returned in case of
He writen and posted a newest article up on the Internet last week, which there is a clause in certian section so quickly quoted from by other writer a couple of hours later.