
2020-09-15 教育 363阅读
I liked the leading man, he will be able to live in a society of the bottom of artists have touched people's interpretation of men, at least, I was really moved.
He looked at in order to pay the rent and send their son to kindergarten tuition fees, Benming day in hospitals, to promote his practical and less expensive scanners. Prior to that, he thought it would be their turn for the better life of wealth and the scanner. The total may face no choice but to see a doctor.
Looked at him the envy of a securities broker's background, and then the crowd stood in the crowd watching in the past, everyone faces a bright smile, why he wanted everyone so happy? In addition to its own.
He looked at in order to win with a securities broker and the exchange of time, get on with a car, said the population sharing the fare, only to later find them do not have enough money, so choose, fare evasion As a result, there was a car tried to catch up with the men's figure, the better, he has escaped, bloody subway doors folder out of his hand scanner