hot under the collar 真的不明白这个是怎么翻译出来。

2020-09-24 教育 100阅读
get hot under the collar [英][ɡet h?t ??nd? e? ?k?l?][美][ɡ?t hɑt ??nd? ei ?kɑl?] 怒气冲冲的,局促不安; 例句 1.Still, I like the study just because it explains that when you get hot under the collar, you are actually hot under the collar. 但是我仍旧喜欢这个研究,因为它可以解释在你发脾气的时候,你的头确实是热的。 2.There is no reason for you to get hot under the collar. No one has stolen your room key; there it is on the desk. 你没有理由生气,没人偷你的房间钥匙。钥匙就在书桌上。 3.Next time you get hot under the collar, ask yourself: what will this brewing temper tantrum produce – ill-feeling and stress, or the next iPhone? 下次你怒气冲天的时候,问问自己:这种即将爆发的脾气能带来什么,是糟糕的情绪和压力,还是下一代iPhone?