第二种:朴素词汇,即单词本身同义词比较少的词;“简单好记好理解”是该类词的特征,是名副其实的“三好词汇”。例如:(判断题)13Computersare better than humans at detecting faults in glass。
题目中computers、humans还有faults都属于朴素级词汇,很少有替换词,简单易记,如果有替换词,也多会以上下义形式出现。原文:The principle offloat glass is unchanged since the 1950s。
However, the product has changeddramatically, from a single thickness of 6。8 mm to a range from sub-millimetreto 25 mm, from a ribbon frequently marred by inclusions and bubbles to almostoptical perfection。
To ensure the highest quality, inspection takes place atevery stage。 Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sandgrain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon。
Automated on-line inspection does two things。 Firstly, it reveals processfaults upstream that can be corrected。 Inspection-technology allows more than100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flawsthe unaided eye would be unable to see。
Secondly, it enables computersdownstream to steer cutters around flaws。根据faults定位到firstly开始处,文中最后出现Automatedon-line inspection,自动在线检查,文中既没有说computers,也没有提到humans,也没有出现两者之间的比较,所以这个题目是NOTGIVEN。
第三种:逻辑词,常见的有表示并列、因果或者转折的逻辑词。感觉写了好多啊,嘿嘿,我先在此就不一一列举了,如果你有不清楚的地方,可以随时问我哈,在平时做阅读的过程中,可以有意识的注意这些“路标词”,还可以同时采用三种定位词,精准定位。希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢! 本回答由网友推荐。