
2020-04-22 教育 737阅读

一九八四Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)
星战任务 Absolution (1978)
野鹅敢死队 The Wild Geese (1978)
马属 Equus (1977)
大法师Ⅱ ExorcistⅡ:The Heretic (1977)
Volcano: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry (1976)
大王龙 Klansman,The (1974)
蓝胡子 Bluebeard (1972)
奇男奇女奇情 Hammersmith Is Out (1972)
暗杀托洛斯基 Assassination of Trotsky,The (1972)
沙漠之狐隆美尔Raid on Rommel (1971)
硬汉 Villain (1971)
安妮的一千日 Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
血染雪山堡(引进时译名:魔窟寻谍) Where Eagles Dare (1968)
玉女七试云雨情 Candy (1968)
浮士德游地狱 Doctor Faustus (1967)
孽海游龙 Comedians,The (1967)
驯悍记 Taming of the Shrew,The (1967)
灵欲春宵Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
柏林谍影 Spy Who Came In from the Cold,The (1965)
雄霸天下Becket (1964)
一代情侣 V.I.P.s,The (1963)
最长的一天The Longest Day (1962)
仲夏夜之梦Sen noci svatojanske (1961)
Look Back in Anger (1959)
沙漠大血战 Amère victoire (1958)
一代天王亚历山大Alexander the Great (1956)
The Rains of Ranchipur (1955)
星期四的孩子 Thursday's Children (1954)
沙漠之鼠 The Desert Rats (1953)
圣袍千秋 The Robe (1953)
断肠花My Cousin Rachel (1952)
浮士德游地狱 Doctor Faustus (1967)
苏捷斯卡战役 Sutjeska (1973)
