keep one's head和 lose one' head中文意思

2022-08-11 教育 107阅读
keep one's head
keep calm during some emergency (在紧急情况下)保持镇静
*That housewife kept herhead and telephoned the fire department immediately;otherwise the whole house might burn down.那个家庭主妇头脑冷静,并且立即给消防队打电话,否则整个房子就会烧光了。
*Above all,keep your head in the face of danger.最主要的是,面临危险要镇静。
*When Jim heard the firealarm he kept his head and looked for the nearest exit.当吉姆听到火警铃声时,他保持镇定,寻找最近的出口。
lose one's head
become upset; lose one's selfcontrol惊慌失措;失去控制
*He is liable to losehis head.他容易发脾气。
*If the politicianhadn't gotten angry and lost his head,henever would have slandered his opponent.如果那个政治家不是生气并且失去控制的话,他是决不会诽谤他的反对者的。
*Seeing the other carcoming toward him at such speed,John lost his head anddrove up over the curb into a tree.看见另一部小汽车飞速向他开过来,约翰惊慌失措把车子开到路边的镶边石上,撞到树上去了。
*She lost her head whenshe found the house on fire.她发现房子着火时惊慌失措。