英语改错- Can you tall me and tall me why?

2020-10-27 教育 135阅读
  1。Mrs。 Johnson gave her friends Mary and me a tea party。 Mrs后面有一个"。"表示其是一个缩写词。 friends后面不应该有"。"。 "我"在这里即是动词"give"的宾语,又是"and"的宾语,应该用宾格。
   2。He was warmly welcomed by his friends。 要用"welcome"的被动语态。 3。I received a letter written in green ink。 由绿色墨水书写的,应该是用过去分词做定语。
   4。The old man walked cross the street slowly。 建议把副词"slowly"放在句尾。"cross"可做介词,我认为不需要更改。 5。The boy's face is like his father's。
   做比较应该是同一类的事物,"father's"表示的是"父亲的脸",前后一致了。 6。The weather was so hot that we could not read much。 "so。。。that。。。"句型,表示如此。
  。。以至于。。。 Hope the above will be of help。 。