
2020-04-30 教育 73阅读
Book 7 Unit 1 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BABCA 6-10 CACAB
11-15 BCCAA 16-20 BCBAB
21-25 ABDDA 26-30 ADCDD
31-35 BADCB 36-40 CBEGF
41-45 BACDA 46-50 CDBBD
51-55 CABDA 56-60 CBCAD
61. which 62. youngest
63. stuck 64. playing
65. advanced 66. completely
67. the 68. it
69. beneficial 70. is celebrated
71. ... there had not ... had → were
72. ... call those who ... call → called
73. ... to collect blanket ...
blanket → blankets
74. I helped themselves ...
themselves → them
75. ... but shared their ... but → and
76. ... extreme cold winter!
extreme → extremely
77. ... plans to packing ... packing → pack
78. ... filled necessary things ...
79. ... would be helpfully ...
helpfully → helpful
80. ... in the need. 去掉the
One possible version:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I really enjoy the food and service in our dining hall. However, I have found some problems recently and I'm writing to offer my advice.
First, some students order more than what they can eat, leaving too much food untouched. I wonder if you could take measures to encourage students to form good habits and avoid wasting food and money. What's more, there're many international students who have different customs in our school. So I wonder if you could provide more varieties of food.
I would appreciate it if you could take my advice into consideration. I'm looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
21. A。细节理解题。根据Yuchi部分中的Yuchi is a language spoken by just five people all aged over 75 in Oklahoma, USA可知,Yuchi是美国的一种土著语言。
22. B。细节理解题。根据Jeru部分中的They are thought to date back to a settlement of the area by the first humans to leave Africa可知,讲Jeru这种语言的人可能是来自非洲的移民。
23. D。细节理解题。根据Ainu部分中的Ainu has very complex verbs that include meanings most languages need a whole sentence to express可知,Ainu这种语言有复杂的动词,能表达丰富的涵义。
本文是记叙文。文章介绍了轮椅篮球运动员Ryan Martin的事迹。他幼年失去双腿,爱上篮球后经过努力拼搏,最终成为出色的篮球运动员,并且建立基金会,帮助残障人士实现他们的梦想。
24. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的There he made a comfortable living和第三段中的But he couldn't see his family for months and European cities were unfriendly to the disabled. He also had to learn Spanish可知,Martin在西班牙的生活有喜有忧、苦乐参半。
25. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的In college, he scored over 1,000 points in his career and set several school records可知,Martin在上大学时在篮球方面表现突出。
26. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的The foundation is designed to give those with disabilities the opportunity to realize the dreams that I once had可知,Martin的基金会旨在帮助需要帮助的人。
27. D。推理判断题。Ryan Martin虽然失去双腿,但他克服重重困难,坚持不懈,经过努力拼搏,成为一名出色的轮椅篮球运动员,并且建立基金会,帮助其他有残疾的人实现梦想。由此可知,Ryan Martin是一个拥有坚定意志、富有爱心的人。
28. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的All tasty foods do this, but sugar has a particularly strong effect. In this way, it is in fact an addictive drug可知,科学家认为糖会使我们产生依赖。
29. D。词义猜测题。根据第二段中的Sugar, we believe is one of the culprits, if not the major reason可知,culprits与reason同义。
30. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的From breakfast cereals to after-dinner desserts, our foods are increasingly filled with it可知,很多食物里都含糖,因此人们很难避免吃糖。
31. B。标题归纳题。本文主要就“人类喜欢吃糖”展开说明,故Our addiction to sugar这个标题符合文章主旨。
32. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的About 120 soccer fields would fill its main building可知,Aslameer很大。
33. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Their scientists look for ... to strengthen flowers to prevent them from being damaged while traveling可知,鲜花研究的其中一个方面是如何增强鲜花的生命力,使其在运输过程中免受损坏。
34. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的The industry has brought employment opportunities and a stronger economy to the country可知,厄瓜多尔的鲜花贸易帮助当地人过上了更好的生活。
35. B。推理判断题。根据末段中的local growers in the U.S. faced huge competition from international flower companies, and many lost their businesses可知,国际鲜花贸易对美国本土鲜花种植者的生意产生了巨大的冲击。
36. C。根据设空处前的But not always和设空处后的They could reduce your costs可知,设空处提出“有多种毫不费力地减少生活开销的方法”符合此处语境。
37. B。根据本段中的these brands cost vastly less than the name brands, but taste the same可知,作者建议读者选择杂货店品牌,这样既能节省开支还能享受到同等质量的商品,故B项符合此处语境。
38. E。根据设空处前的spur-of-the-moment impulses are your enemy可知,作者建议不要一时冲动购买物品,应该列好购物清单,故E项符合此处语境。
39. G。根据设空处后的The same holds true for anything you eat out以及throw an apple in your car or carry a six-pack of soda or water in your bag可知,作者建议外出自己带上食物,因为在外买东西很贵,故G项符合此处语境。
40. F。根据本段小标题Use it up以及空前的描述可知,作者建议在购买新商品时查看家里已有的商品是否用完,避免浪费,F项中的use it up与该段的小标题相呼应,故F项符合此处语境。
41. B。根据also及下文中的I then went to the five other cars可知,另外有五辆车也“撞(crashed)”在了一起。
42. A。根据空后的pulled over及下文中的Immediately, I ran to a car可知,作者侥幸“逃过了(escaped)”这场车祸。
43. C。44. D。根据本段中的I ran to a car which was upside down及and a large, unconscious man, both upside down可知,作者和其他人发现了一名“受伤的(injured)”女性和一名昏迷的男性,并把他们从出事故的“车(car)”里救了出来。
45. A。根据空后的if anyone else was hurt badly可知,作者随后又“查看了(check)”另外五辆车以确定是否还有人受了重伤。
46. C。根据空后的no one else was in serious condition可知,“幸运的是(Fortunately)”,没有人受重伤。
47. D。48. B。根据本段中的I looked over,still及下一段中的He was badly injured可知,作者“看到(saw)”一群人正围着一名“躺在(lying)”人行道上的男子。
49. B。根据空前的They said the kind young man had got out of his car to cross the road可知,这名好心的男子从车里出来穿过马路打算“帮忙(help)”。
50. D。根据本段第一句话At the same time, the traffic had stopped可知,一辆飞速奔驰的汽车拐进了里道打算避开主路上“拥堵的(heavy)”交通。
51. C。根据空前的Unfortunately可知,这名好心的男子恰好被这辆疾驰而来的车“撞(hit)”倒了。
52. A。根据空后的But a feeling ... he is dead可知,很多人都说这名男子已经“死(dead)”了。
53. B。根据本句中的but I checked ... heart beat可知,作者一再检查,终于感觉到一丝“微弱的(weak)”心跳。
54. D。根据本段中对这名男子受重伤的描述及He then coughed ... breaths可知,作者“小心谨慎地(cautiously)”帮他抬起头。
55. A。56. C。根据本段中的When they took over ... my car可知,救护车“到了(arrived)”,作者“离开了(left)”现场。
57. B。58. C。根据本段中的Due to the excellent doctors及He walked out of the hospital after many months可知,在医护人员的“照料(care)”下,这名男子“幸存(survive)”了下来。
59. A。根据空后的was covered by all the news stations及上文对这名男子受伤原因的解释可知,他的“善良(kindness)”被很多媒体报道。
60. D。根据本段中的I smiled to myself ... in front of him可知,作者也为自己能在对的地点、对的时间帮助了这名男子而感到很“高兴(happy)”。
61. which。考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明the braille code,且在从句中作主语,故填which。
62. youngest。考查形容词最高级。由后面的of four children可知,Braille是家里四个孩子中最年幼的,应用形容词最高级,故填youngest。
63. stuck。考查一般过去时。由前面的When he was three 可知,设空处是对过去事实的描述,应用一般过去时,故填stuck。
64. playing。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。设空处作状语,又因为he与play之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且play所表示的动作与主句谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,故填playing。
65. advanced。考查动词-ed形式作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰medication,表示“先进的”,故填advanced。
66. completely。考查副词。设空处修饰动词lost,表示“彻底地”,故填completely。
67. the。考查定冠词。at the age of ...意为“在……岁时”。
68. it。考查固定搭配。when it comes to ...意为“就……而论”。
69. beneficial。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语,修饰effect,意为“有益的”,故填beneficial。
70. is celebrated。考查一般现在时的被动语态。根据前面的In honor of the birthday of Louis Braille on January 4th可知,设空处是对一般事实的描述,应用一般现在时,又因为day与celebrate之间是被动关系,故填is celebrated。
1-4 CBAD 5-8 BACD
1. C。推理判断题。根据第一段中的he would have had his fireplace if he'd been a caveman, Peter heard the others' voices approaching and doors of the two cars opening and slamming shut以及第四段中的His cave. This past hour had been the best part of this whole awful holiday可知,Peter在洞穴里玩得正开心,此时却隐约听到了众人的声音以及小车的开关门声音,他知道要离开了,因此带着遗憾,站了起来,准备离开。
2. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的It looked as if Dad would drive off first. He'd wait till they'd gone, then jump ... beside Mum和第五段中的his mother jump into her car and start off可知,父亲和母亲各开一辆车,他们都以为Peter上了对方的车,所以开车走了。
3. A。词义猜测题。根据末段中的The only sounds were Peter's sobbing gasps for breath可知,众人离开以后,周围一片寂静,唯一的声音是Peter的抽泣声,令人害怕。
4. D。标题归纳题。该文描写了Peter是如何被留下并被迫待在山洞里的故事。
5. B。细节理解题。文章第一段中的One of the major concerns that have caught the attention of many, is the influence that social media may be having on social anxiety disorders点出主题,下文随之展开。
6. A。写作手法题。根据第二段中的Most people have probably experienced an occasion in which ... feelings of acceptance and popularity可知,本段举例说明了社交焦虑的起因。
7. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Multitasking can very quickly lead to increased levels of anxiety及接下来的举例check their phone while driving ... is actually leading to increased levels of anxiety可知,开车时查看手机会加强焦虑感。
8. D。篇章结构题。划线词上一句提到“社交媒体和技术改变人们生活以及给人们带来新的焦虑的程度不可否认”,由此可知,接下来的一句继续指出“社交媒体和技术带来新的焦虑或增加已有焦虑的程度到底有多大”是要研究的问题,故they指代“社交媒体和技术”。