
2020-06-05 教育 140阅读

曲名:《Victor》  歌手:Prinze George


Victor - Prinze George   You made a career of composure(你沉着冷静 出人头地)

She needs you to steer she's hung over(她需要你的引导 她正处于痛苦之中)   (Mmh hmm)

You need to hear, listen closer(你必须听 凑近点)

It's time to come down(是时候冷静下来)  (Mmh hmm)

And all of the things you've accomplished(所有的义务你都履行了)

They cover the light of your office(他们挡住了你前进的光)

Where I am the wall on our land(我跻身于角落之中)  But leave on the ground(离开地面)

Victor, you are not who you said you were said you(勇士 你不再是别人口中的那个你了)

Were when we met(当我们相遇的时候)  (Mmh hmm)

Winner(在冬天)  You are losing your loved ones of you loved ones(你失去了你的挚爱)

Chip by chip, bit by bit(一步步地)

With eyes on the road, she is flying(你的眼神瞟向路边 她正在飞)

Away from the tide she is shocken(她带着震惊远离目前的趋势)  (Mmh hmm)

I miss you so much I am dying(我好想你 我快要死了)I can't make a sound(我无法回应你)

Oh victor(喔 勇士)  Oh victor(喔 勇士)  (Mmh hmm)

Victor, you are not who you said you were said you(勇士 你不再是别人口中的那个你了)

Were when we met(当我们相遇的时候)   Winner(在冬天)

You are losing your loved ones of you loved ones(你失去了你的挚爱)

Chip by chip, bit by bit(一步步地)   Oh victor(喔 勇士)

You are not my father(你不是我的父亲)

You are not my mother(你不是我的母亲)  You are all the others(你是别人)

Oh victor(喔 勇士)   You are not my father(你不是我的父亲)

You are not my mother(你不是我的母亲)  You are all the others(你是别人)



