
2022-07-24 教育 60阅读
Lesson 1
What’s your name? (你叫什么名字)

My name is Jack.\ I’m Jack.(我叫杰克)
Go out. (出去) Come here.(过来)
Good morning.\ afternoon\ evening\ night.(早上好)
See you in the morning.(明天早上见)
ant(蚂蚁) bear ( 熊) cat (猫)
lesson 2
How are you?(你好吗?)I’ m fine,\Fine, thanks.(我很好,谢谢)
This is my friend. (这是我的朋友) This is ***.
Good morning , class. (早上好,同学们)
I’m Miss Wang.(我是王老师)
Nice to meet you. (见到你很高兴) Nice to meet you,too.
See you! (再见) Good-bye.
Have a nice day.(祝你过愉快)
fish (鱼) elephant(大象) dog(狗) friend(朋友)
teacher(老师) morning(早晨)
lesson 3
This is a book. (这是一本书)
Is this a book? (这是一本书吗?) Yes, it is.\ No, it isn’t.
Is that a computer? (那是一台电脑吗?) Yes, it is.\ No, it isn’t.
It’s a chair. (它是一把椅子) It’s an eraser.(它是一块橡皮)
Please sit down. (请坐) Stand up.(起立)
hippo(河马) goat (山羊) insect(昆虫) pencil(铅笔)
eraser(橡皮) bag(书包) book(书) room(房间)
chair(椅子) computer(电脑)
lesson 4
jet (飞机) kangaroo(袋鼠) lion( 狮子)
mom(妈妈) dad(爸爸) sister( 姐妹)
Who is this? (这是谁) It is my mom.(这是我妈妈)
Who is she\he? (她是谁)
She is my friend.\He is my brother.(她是我的朋友)
Put down the picture. (放下这张画)
Pick up the picture.(捡起这张画)
This is my brother, Jack.(这是我哥哥,杰克)
Lesson 5
---What’s this ? (这是什么) ---It’s a car. (这是一辆小汽车) (what’s= what is) ( it’s = it is )
---What’s that? (那是什么) ---It’s an ox. (那是一头牛)
---Sit down, please. (请坐) ---OK,thanks.(好的,谢谢)
---Are you okay? (你好吗?) ---I’m okay.(我很好)
Here is your ball.(这是你的球)
Look at my head.(看看我的头)
monkey(猴子) nest(鸟巢) ox(公牛) ball(球)
car (小汽车) monster(怪物) cap (帽子) head(头)
lesson 6
This is your shirt, Pangpang.(这是你的衬衫,胖胖)
Here is your shirt.(给你你的衬衫)
You’re number eight.(你是八号)
---Are you number ten? (你是十号吗) ---Yes, I am. \No, I’m not.
---What is your number, Mike?(你是几号)
---Seven. And your number?(七号,你呢)
---My number is four.(我是四号)
--- Ready? One, two, three, go!(准备! 一、二、三,跑)
--- Come on, Xiaolan(加油)
--- Run!(跑)
--- Number five. Jack is first.(五号, 杰克第一)
shirt (衬衫) one two three four five six seven
eight nine ten number(号) you (你,你们) run(跑)
your (你的,你们的) panda(熊猫) queen(女王) rabbit(兔子)