楼上记错名字了吧。泽拉图是最先说话的那个 是黑暗圣堂的首领。而阿塔尼斯是那个圣母舰,是最后出来的单位。
Protoss brethren, heed me! The last twilight has fallen. The galaxy burns around us! The terrans have been consumed. We are all that stands against the shadow. But if we are to meet our end this day, then we will do so AS ONE! En Taro Tassadar!
星灵同胞们,听我说,最后的暮光已然黯淡,星系正在熊熊燃烧!人类已经消亡殆尽。黑夜中只剩下我们。就算生命在今日终结,我们也将同心协力!En Taro Tassadar!
This is Hierarch Artanis commanding the Shield of Aiur! Our matrix-fields are within range! Engaging mass recall!
My brethren, hear me! For there is little time left. All that remains of our race, our civilization, are those that stand beside you now.
Trust in each other. Strike as one will! Let our last stand burn a memory so bright, we will be remembered forever! En taro Tassadar!
信任彼此,凝聚意志,让这最后一战永垂不朽,我们将永远被铭记,En taro Tassadar!