
2020-06-24 教育 240阅读
A: Mike B: JaneA: Hello, Jane. Have not seen you for a long time? How have you been?B: I am very well. It is nice to see you. Is every thing well?A: Yes. very well. Every thing is as the same as before. B: Have you got the new job yet, Mike?A: Yes, I am working for No. 1 middle school. I love this job. Because I can see my students everyday and I enjoy the time in the school. B: Oh, How about your work? A: It is not too bad. Now I am an engineer and I can earn a lot of money for myself. I have already bought a new apartment . it is not far from here. If you have time. I would like you come for visiting.B: That will be great. I will visit you soon. I am off now. See you soon.A: See you soon.