跪求贝克汉姆获BBC终生成就奖的颁奖词 , 中英文都要

2020-10-20 教育 128阅读
I'm humbled to receive an award for something I love doing and continue to love doing, [I am] very humbled," said a tearful Beckham, who accepted the award from Sir Bobby Charlton. "To receive it from Sir Bobby, who was there when I first started, [I am] truly honoured," he added. "Football's a team game. Without the teams and players' support I've had over the years, players like Ryan [Giggs] and the other greats, I wouldn't be here without the support and skill of them. "Playing for England is one of the biggest thing of my career, and I've always been able to play for some of the best coaches throughout my career. "I have to thank so many people - my parents, who sacrificed so much, who always have done and always will do, my family and friends, of course my wife and children. Not only has she [Victoria] given me three amazing boys but the support she has given me, inspiration every day."