
2022-08-05 教育 115阅读
1.What four letter word from right to left or right reads the same ?
2.What do you call a rich fish?
3.It has cities bue no houses ,it has forest but no trees,it has rivers but no fish.What is it?
4.Mary is 12 years old .Two years ago she was twice as old as his brother,John.How old was Mary when john was born?
5.In which month do people speak least?
6.What is the meaning of "black tea "?you can answer in Chinese.
7.There is a manin the middle of the road ,but no one stops him ,why?
8.A man is abroad (在国外),but there are all Chinese around him. Tell us why ,please.
9.Mike and JOhn are going on a field trip.Now two insects are fiying
to them .What are they?(1)------------------(2)----------------
10.What number gets bigger when you tuen it upside down?
11.What 5 letters word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?
1、noon月亮 mom妈妈 level水平 pop流行 dad爸爸 eye 眼睛
2、goldfish。 金鱼
3、It is a map。是张地图,所以看上去有城市森林和河流,却没有房子树木和鱼。
4、5 years old。 2年前Mary10岁,是弟弟年纪的两倍,则弟弟5岁。所以弟弟出生时,Mary5岁。
5、February 。 二月,因为二月天数最少。
6、红茶。(black tea 就是红茶,而不是把红茶翻译成red tea)
7、He is a traffic police。 他是一名交警。
8、The man is foreigner。 那个人就是外国人,外国人在中国,所以周围都是中国人。
9、butterfly蝴蝶 bee蜜蜂 firefly萤火虫 dragonfly蜻蜓。 任选其二,前两种单词较简单而且是常用词汇。
10、six 6.。 因为6颠倒过来,就可以当做9,9比6大。
11、这个单词是sixty。 sixty是一个由5个字母组成的单词,并且去掉2个字母后,左边的单词含了一个6。符合题意。