
2020-07-13 教育 204阅读
1.Do not bad mouth me.你不要说我坏话
2.I really put my foot in my mouth this time.这次我真的说错话了
3.down in the mouth.沮丧
4.Do not put words in my mouth.别说些我根本不可能说的话
5.word of mouth口口相传[就是说用话语的方式流传下来的]
7.You took the words right out of my mouth!你说出了我想要说的!
8.left a bad taste in my mouth一段让我一想起来就不舒服的经历
9.born with a silver spoon in his mouth出生在有钱人家
10.from hand to mouth糊口度日[指生活很紧张啦"手里一拿到收入就得往嘴里放"懂不?]
11.a mouthy child一个说大话的孩子
12.stop mouthing off停止说大话[不要信口开河]
13.running my mouth 停止发牢骚