
2022-08-11 教育 90阅读
A: It's Christmas tomorrow. 明天就是圣诞节了。
B: Yeh, time flies so fast. I still remember the Christmas last year. We went to dinner in the newly opened restaurant in the Pearl Plaza. It's so expensive, but the food was so good. 是啊, 时间过的好快, 我还记得去年的圣诞节呢。我们去了珍珠大厦新开的餐馆。 价格真贵, 但是东西真好吃
C: Yes, I remember that too. It's a pity that Lily is not here this year. She went back home to see her mom. 是的, 我也记得, 只可惜今年lily不在这里, 她回家看她妈妈去了。
A: Our school is off in the afternoon. Where shall we go this time? 我们学校明天下午放假, 我们这次去哪里呢?
B: Dinner? Karaoke? Or movie? 晚餐, 卡拉Ok还是电影?
C: Let's go shopping first. I heard there'd be a big sale in the Central Mall. 我们先去购物吧, 我听说在中央百货有一个很大的折扣。
A: Oh, no, it must be crowded at that time. 哦, 不要了吧,那个人肯定很多的。
B: I don't like it either. 我也受不了人多。
A: Let's go to the People's park. There'll be fireworks show at 10 tomorrow. 我们去人民公园吧, 那边晚上10点有烟花表演。
B: Good idea! 真是个好主意。
C: Okay, let's find a place for dinner first, then go to the People's Park. 好吧, 那我们先选一个地方吃饭, 然后一起去人民公园。
A, B: Okay. 好的。