
2020-05-27 教育 86阅读
改我资料者死 13:48:28
Take a look in sad round my heart 看看我伤透了的心
Don't you see it breaking apart 难道你没有看见它正在碎吗?
Put the way a few respect 给那丁点多的自尊一条生路
Let me inna knocking at the door 让我在那儿不断敲着门吧
I am changing  我在改变着
We are ranging now 现在我们正徘徊着
I am changing 我在改变着
I must choice now 我必须得作出选择
I am sorry 对不起
Sorry for the things I said 为我所说的感到抱歉
I am sorry  对不起
Sorry for the things I did 为我所做的感到抱歉
And I 'm sorry that I ever let you go 很抱歉我不该让你离开
Sorry that I ever let you go 真的很抱歉我曾让你走
Take a look in sad round my soul 看着我受伤的灵魂
I don't wanna hurting it more 我不想再一次伤害它
Tell me why we were far from fine 告诉我为什么我们离(幸福)那么遥远
How can we make it around 我们怎样才能让它在我们周围
I am changing 我在改变着
We are ranging now 现在我们正徘徊着
I am changing 我在改变着
I must wrong....wrong  我必定是让你受委屈了
I am sorry
Sorry for the things I said
I am sorry
Sorry for the things I did
And I'm sorry that I ever let you go
Sorry that I ever let you go
(dalalala I am sorry I am sorry
Till we get it back I am sorry
dalalala I am sorry I am sorry
I could reach you
dalalala I am sorry I am sorry
I 'm sorry that I ever let you go)
I am sorry
Sorry for the things I said
I am sorry
Sorry for the things I did
And I 'm sorry that I ever let you go
And I'm sorry that I ever let you go

I am sorry
Sorry for the things I said
I am sorry
Sorry for the things I did
And I 'm sorry that I ever let you go
Sorry that I ever let you go
And I'm sorry that I ever let you go