Requiem For A Soldier 的中文歌词

2020-04-25 教育 55阅读
You never lived to see 你没能活着看到What you gave to me 你给了我什么One shining dream of hope and love 一个闪耀着希望和爱、生命及自由的梦想
Life and liberty
With a host of brave unknown soldiers 有那些勇敢的无名战士们陪伴着For your company you will live forever 因为你的连队你将永存我们记忆间
Here in our memory
In fields of sacrifice 在牺牲的战场上,英雄们付出了他们的代价
Heroes paid the price
Young men who died for old men's wars 为了老人们英勇死去的年轻小伙子们去了天堂
Gone to paradise
We are all one great band of brothers我们是一个伟大的英雄兄弟连队
And one day you'll see we can live together 当有一天全世界得到自由的时候,你会看到我们能永远在一起
When all the world is free When all the world is free 当全世界都得到自由的时候,我多么希望你能活着看到
When all the world is free
I wish you'd lived to see
All you gave to me 你给予我们的你那闪耀着希望和爱、生命及自由的梦想
Your shining dream of hope and love
Life and liberty
We are all one great band of brothers我们是一个伟大的英雄兄弟连队
And one day you'll see - we can live together 总有一天你能看到,全世界获得了自由,我们能永远在一起
When all the world is free