
2020-04-21 教育 155阅读
Studied hard. Worked for a dropout.学的再认真,今后也是在为辍学生打工。(无奈的现实)
Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. Succeeded !!失败,失败,失败,失败,失败,成功。
Last Quora question – ‘Will we survive?’Quora(是种互动问答的网站)上最后的一个问题,“我们能幸存下来吗?”(人类灭亡)
sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs.对不起,士兵。我们的鞋子是按双出售的。
Dad left, a flag came back离开的是爸爸,回来的是一面国旗。
The dead still held their guns.死者还紧握着他们的抢。
The smallest coffins are the heaviest.小小的骨灰盒,却是世间最沉重的。
Mom taught me how to shave妈妈教我如何刮胡子。
Siri,deleted Mom from my contactsSiri,把妈妈从通讯录里删掉吧。(母亲逝世)
Birth certificate. Death certificate. One pen出生证明。死亡证明。同一支笔。(新生儿夭折,或者理解为妻子难产而死。)
He bottle-feeds his wife’s killer.他用奶瓶喂养着杀妻凶手。(妻子难产而死。)
Introduced myself to mother again today.今天我又一次向妈妈介绍了自己。(阿尔茨海默病,俗称失忆症)
Son hit me. Grandson watched carefully.儿子在打我,小孙子在一旁注视着。
Finally spoke to her.Left flowers.终于可以和她说上话了,并给她留下了一束花。(在坟前)
Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.陌生人。朋友。好朋友。爱人。陌生人。
I met my soulmate. She didn’t.我遇见了那个她,但她却没有。
"Go away!" That’s all she said.“滚远点。”这是她唯一的话。
New start. New you. Not you.新的开始,新的对象,却不是你。
Jumped. Then I changed my mind.跳下去的刹那,我改变了主意。(no zuo no die,why you try?- -||)
"Wrong number." said the familiar voice.同一个声音,说了句:“你打错电话了。”(分手)
"I like you a lot, but..."我也很喜欢你,但是??????
The photos laughed, the eyes cried照片在笑,眼睛在哭。
First Friend. Then Lover. Lost both.先是朋友,然后是爱人。最后,失去彼此。
Everytime she smiled,His world stopped.每次她嫣然一笑,他哑口无言。
Sleeping with her. Dreaming of you.和她睡着,却做着和你在一起的梦。