题目“ what we can not afford to lose”的大学生英语演讲稿 咋写好?求好的提纲或者范文,没分了,谢谢

2020-10-26 教育 109阅读
there are many things in the world that we cannot afford to lose, such as our health, our families and friends, wealth, lovers, and so on. but the most important one of which , i think, is the pure and fresh surroundings.as we all know, the earth is the mum of every one of us. it provides us with all kinds of lives, with food, with air, with water, with everything that is necessary for the beings in the world. we can not live even several days or hours or minutes without some of them, for exanple, the air.however, many of us take all the things that our mum provide with us as granted, sometimes we are even not aware of their existance. what a shame!just look around you, it is not too difficult fo find our surroundings is getting worse and worse.with the development of our society, more and more tall buildings appear, less and less grass disappears; more and more boats on the river , less and less fishes in the river; more and more cars on the road, less and less fresh air around us; more and more noise around us, less and less quietness inside us......certainly I am not against our development, what I want to say is : can't we really find a balance between the development and the protecting of surroundings?I once read a saying which goes like this: if your wealth is 1,000,000,000, your health is the one, without which , your wealth will become nothing. I would change the "health" into"surroundings". for it is clear that we will have nothing if we lose our surroundings, which we really cannot afford to lose.