Frankmusik - Wrecking Ball音译歌词 不要中文翻译

2023-05-16 综合 33阅读
Baby you let me down 北鼻油妹米荡
I’m closing the door 俺靠醒的刀
I can’t bear to see 爱砍拜儿吐吸
Your sweet eyes anymore 哟死微爱死安妮陌
Every second that I stay 哎微塞肯丹爱丝嘚
I’m sinking further in 俺心厅佛得阴
To your clever little games 吐哟咔誉肢本告渣力头岗
And the heartache that they bring 俺的哈次丹嘚啵玲

Don’t you know by now 懂油弄拜闹
When I scream out loud 吻爱丝厅奥捞
That I’m done with you 嘚俺逗微丝油
And the things you do 俺袜虚悄的心油堵
I can’t run or hide 爱砍乱哦海
From your love or lies 拂肉哟狼噢来
Can I win a war 肯爱云额卧
When you’re changing sides 吻油啊蠢军塞

Every time you tear me down down 爱微烫油扯你罩罩
Tear me down down 扯你罩罩
With your wrecking ball heart 喂哟袜厅啵蛤
Baby tear it apart 北鼻踢一额爬
It’s like 一紫来
Every time you tear me down down 爱微烫油扯你罩罩
Tear me down down 扯你罩罩
With your wrecking ball heart 喂哟袜厅啵蛤
Baby tear it, tear it 北鼻踢一踢一