
2020-04-21 教育 210阅读
Milk is one of the oldest natural drinks. Milk the cow from female name suggests that out. In different countries, the milk also points have different level, at present the most common is whole, low-fat and skim milk. The present market condition milk additives also quite a lot, such as high calcium low-fat milk, they emphasize which added calcium. 牛奶,是最古老的天然饮料之一。牛奶顾名思义是从雌性奶牛身上所挤出来的。在不同国家,牛奶也分有不同的等级,目前最普遍的是全脂、低脂及脱脂牛奶。目前市面上牛奶的添加物也相当多,如高钙低脂牛奶,就强调其中增添了钙质。