
2020-07-23 教育 265阅读

1、Respecting others means respecting yourself.

2、Respecting others is repecting yourself.

3、To respect others is to respect yourself.



1、"respect a man, he will do the same"尊重别人,别人就会尊重你

2、Respect other people, respect an oneself, be responsible for own behavior.尊重别人,尊重自己,为自己的行为负责。

3、I respect other people's property and expect them to respect mine. I believe you should do as you would be done by.我尊重别人的财产,也希望别人尊重我的财产:我相信你会以你之所欲,施之于人。

4、People respect us as much as we respect ourselves. That's why the absence of self-confidence can telegraph to others not to believe in us.我们怎样尊重别人,别人就会同意地尊重我们。这就是不自信会暗示别人不要相信我们的原因。

5、Respect for self, Respect for other's and Responsibility for all your actions!尊重自己,尊重他人,为自己的一切行为负责!你快乐,所以我快乐。
